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The Black Meadow Barn (BMB) is a place where ‘culture and horticulture’ meet. Black currants, tomatoes, peaches, cherries, kale, lettuce, mushrooms: black trumpets, boletus and 'hens in then woods' are included in the bounty. Sustainable farming is practiced with a little help from ducks and chickens.
The Black Meadow Barn (BMB) is a place where ‘culture and horticulture’ meet. Black currants, tomatoes, peaches, cherries, kale, lettuce, mushrooms: black trumpets, boletus and 'hens in then woods' are included in the bounty. Sustainable farming is practiced with a little help from ducks and chickens.
Summer at Black Meadow Barn, 2014
Black Meadow Barn (BMB) a place where culture and horticulture meet.
Black Currant Jam, 2014
Black Currant Jam, grown and produced at Black Meadow Barn.
Black Currants on the Bush, 2014
Field of Black Currants, 2014
Black Meadow Barn, this Grove was established in 1985 and contains over 200 black currant bushes. Black currants- a super food, contain the highest level of vitamin C and anti-oxidants found in any fruit. Black currant juice is also a BMB favorite.
Black Meadow Barn, 2014
Commercial Kitchen at BMB
Eggs, 2013
Chicken eggs from free range heritage birds.
Plymouth Rocks and Guinea Hens, 2013
Poultry not only produce eggs and helpful by-products, they also eat ticks and garden pests like slugs and grubs. They are a vital part of the permaculture found at Black Meadow Barn.
Dover Chicken, 2013
Free ranging chickens are a vital part of an agricultural ecosystem at BMB.
Duck Pond, 2015
Muscovy Ducks and Pullets, 2015
Muscovy Ducks and Pullets Help Complete the Cycle. BMB recycles duck and chicken by-products to feed and nurture the compost pile. The compost pile feeds the dahlias, fruit trees, black currants and the other produce grown at the BMB. The ducks and chickens produce tasty eggs, the harvest inspires delicious meals created by inventive NYC chefs.
Flower Sale, 2014-15
The Black Meadow Barn has an annual flower sale. A behavior research study conducted by Nancy Etoff, PHD., of Harvard Medical School, reveals that people feel more compassionate towards others, have less anxiety and feel less depressed when fresh cut flowers are in the home.
Flower Sale at Black Meadow Barn, 2014-15
Dinner plate dahlias have been cultivated by Bankemper for 15 years. They are an aesthetic staple at BMB.
Flower Sale at Black Meadow Barn, 2014-15
Environmental and economic sustainability are core values of Black Meadow Barn's philosophy.
Teddy Bear Sun Flower and Bee, 2000